Other Blogsites published by the Institute for Media Ethics

  • Disinformation and Xenophobia in the Western Media
  • Disinformation and Xenophobia in the Middle East Media
  • Issues Raised by Journalists
  • Friday, June 29, 2007

    Media Awards

    The International Media Council Awards of the Next Century Foundation were presented at a ceremony in March 2007. The Main Prize was awarded for an outstanding contribution to better understanding both in and towards the Middle East. The Cutting Edge Prize is awarded young or upcoming journalists in the same field.

    Nominations were in the following categories:

    The International Media Council Prize:

    1. Western Journalist - Mr David Gardner - The Financial Times (Proposer Abigail Fielding-Smith, IB Tauris Books)
    2. Israeli Journalist - Mr Rafik Halabi - Channel 2 (Proposer June Jacobs, The International Council of Jewish Women)
    3. Western Journalist - Mr Michael Binyon - The Times(proposer Adel Darwish of the Daily Mail)

    The Cutting Edge Prize for an outstanding Newcomer to Journalism:

    4. Arab Journalist - Mr Sami Abdul Shafi - The Independent (Proposer Turi Munthe, Rusi)
    5. Jewish Journalist - Mr Jack Hugi - Maariv, Israel (Proposer Rafik Halabi, Israel)
    6. Western Journalist - Ms Louisa Brooke, The BBC (Proposer Mike Wooldridge, BBC)

    The Patrons Award - a special honorary award for lifetime achievement nominated and chosen by the Patrons and awarded this time to:

    7. Mr Hassan Soussi, Arab News Network Satellite TV (Proposer Ribal al Assad, Syria)

    The awards were hosted by Lord Stone of Blackheath and presented in the House of Lords.

    Thursday, June 28, 2007

    The Middle East and the Media Conference

    The International Media Council of the Next Century Foundation together with the International Communications Forum held a lively one day conference on the 18th of June entitled THE MIDDLE EAST AND THE MEDIA.

    The conference, attended by over a hundred people, brought together a range of luminaries, commentators, opinion makers, and movers and shakers involved in Middle East and the media. Participants including editors, broadcasters, journalists of various stripes, religious leaders from the three great faiths, diplomats, activists, academics and many others.

    The day was divided into sessions on a number of topical issues relating to Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and responsible coverage of regional conflicts. While the conference successfully created a space for convivial conversation, the sessions, as one might expect, also drew out energetic debates with participants expressing impassioned opinions.

    The issue of the National Union of Journalists’ recent decision to support Palestinians living under occupation by calling for a boycott against Israel found unexpected consensus among conference participants. While some argued that this was inappropriate and others that it was counterproductive, supporters and critics of Israel alike agreed that journalists shouldn’t take collective public stands of this kind.

    There were also especially dynamic debates in two sessions with Daily Mail columnist Melanie Phillips, whose strident views always provoke animated reactions. In a session on BBC coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Ms. Phillips alleged that the Corporation has an institutional anti-Israeli bias. Her claims prompted active audience participation with many, including Chris Doyle of the Council for Arab-British Understanding, arguing that her case depends on the very same selective sampling of which she accuses the BBC. Ms. Phillips also participated on a panel discussing Islamophobia, which she has been accused of promoting.

    Another highlight of the day was a forceful exchange between two Iranians discussing ‘Xenophobia in Iran and Scaremongering in the West’. Amir Abbas Fakhravar of the Iranian Freedom Institute was fiercely critical of the Iranian ‘dictatorial regime’, including what he argued was its hateful portrayal of outsiders and Israel. He welcomed strong international action to overthrow it. Mohammad Kamali, chair of the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran, disputed the accuracy of these claims and warned that foreign intervention would find vociferous resistance from across Iranian society, regardless people’s own attitude towards the government.

    But the conference did more than prompt spirited debates or explore questions of balance and bias, editorial ethics and the repercussions of reporting on explosive issues. As veteran publisher William Porter put it, ‘A major preoccupation of the conference was to turn fear into hope’, an aspiration which we hope, in some small measure, to have achieved.

    Thursday, June 21, 2007

    Beyond Denial


    By Richard Burden MP (Chair, Britain-Palestine All Party Parliamentary Group)

    Let us be clear. There was no justification for Hamas’ military takeover in Gaza last week. Reports of summary executions and of those considered to be rivals being thrown from rooftops were nothing short of horrific. It opens up yet another chapter in the ongoing tragedy of Palestine. And once again, it will be ordinary Palestinians who will suffer the most.

    But neither can I disguise my anger about the role of the international community. The Quartet of the USA, EU, UN and Russia is in a state of denial about our own contribution to creating the circumstances in which the current bloodshed was unleashed. We told the Palestinians to go down the path of democracy and then we shunned the government that came out of the elections we ourselves supervised. We told Hamas to turn away from violence and to commit to democracy. But when they stood for election, suspended their attacks on Israel and offered a long term ceasefire, we ignored these changes.

    Instead, we boycotted them, telling them that their election would be disregarded by the outside world unless they signed up, without qualification, to a total renunciation of violence, full recognition of Israel and full acceptance of existing international agreements on Israel and Palestine. We are right to insist that these will all be essential elements of a lasting and just peace settlement in the region. But we made them preconditions to our even talking to the elected Hamas government. We have never applied similar preconditions to Israel, despite the fact that it does not in practice live up to those principles. For example, Israel has never in practice renounced the use violence in pursuit of its objectives. And it continues to violate its own obligations under international law and existing agreements through its continued occupation of Palestinian land, through the ongoing expansion of illegal settlements and through its construction of a Wall, not along its own lawful borders, but beyond them.

    Our own boycott of the Palestinian Authority provided cover for Israel to impose on Gaza a military blockade that cut off most Palestinian trade access to the outside world by land, sea and air. Simultaneously, Israel has withheld from the Palestinians the tax revenues they are owed from the movement of those goods that they have been able to get through Israeli checkpoints. Not surprisingly, poverty in Gaza has soared to levels similar to those of sub Saharan Africa. The bitter irony is that the UK and other Western Governments is now spending more on emergency food and medical aid to the Palestinian population caged in by Israel than we ever did before we imposed the boycott. But that aid is more costly and less effective because we have insisted on by-passing the regular institutions that deliver health, education and social welfare. That, in turn, helped to increase unemployment amongst public service workers and deepened poverty across the West Bank and Gaza. As a result, we now have to put in even more aid to offset the impact of our own policies

    And do we really think any of this helped the elected secular President Abbas when he needed it? The brutal truth is that the actions of the international community over the last two years have undermined the President and those in both Fatah and Hamas who were not only willing to share power between themselves but who were also trying to bring their own movements towards the conclusion of a durable peace agreement with Israel. Even when the Mecca agreement brought a National Unity Government in to existence, we refused to seize the opportunity, ignoring a new proposal for a ceasefire with Israel which was published by Fatah, Hamas and Independent members of that Government as recently as two weeks ago.

    Instead, we have unwittingly strengthened the hands of the hardliners; of the more extreme elements in Hamas, of those Fatah figures who were never prepared to accept that they had lost the Palestinian Parliamentary elections and of the clan and militia leaders for whom the power bestowed on them by the gun is more important than any political or ideological loyalty. Just have a look at the reports flying around the US administration in recent months, none too subtly recommending that Fatah-dominated forces should be given the financial and other support necessary to “sort out” Hamas. This has fuelled rumours in Gaza itself of US-funded arms shipments going to Fatah. Hamas leaders warned that a coup was coming against the National Unity Government they led, allowing their own hardliners to push for a pre-emptive strike. That strike came last week. As with some other pre-emptive military strikes, the rhetoric turned out to have been launched on the basis of faulty intelligence. The rumoured stockpiles of US-funded Fatah weapons have not been found.

    None of this should be surprising. A report from the House of Commons International Development Committee pointed out the perverse effects of Quartet Policy on poverty in Palestine earlier this year. Humanitarian agencies have been making similar points. Independent and moderate Palestinian voices have been warning the Quartet for months about the dangerous situation its policies were creating and so too has the recently retired UN Special Envoy to the area. All have been ignored. We now face the consequences of that. Our task now is at least to avoid making a bad situation worse and to identify what we can do to help in practice.

    In appointing Salam Fayyad as the emergency Prime Minister, President Abbas has chosen someone who has a reputation for honesty and who has credibility in the outside world. However, It is no criticism of Fayyad to acknowledge that the depth and breadth of his support amongst Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories is more limited. His chances of bringing greater stability to Palestine will depend on how far and how fast he is able to secure real changes in the daily lives of Palestinians living under occupation. The brass neck with which the USA has promised a quick end to the boycott now it has the prospect of a Palestinian Government more to its liking may be breathtaking, but that does not alter the fact that the lifting of the boycott is vital to any chance of progress.

    However, lifting the international boycott on aid to the PA it is not enough. As long as the West Bank is criss-crossed with Israeli checkpoints and closures and a Wall that prevent students getting to college, patients getting to hospital and traders or farmers getting their goods to market, there is simply no chance of taking forward the “economic roadmap” out of poverty on which Gordon Brown has rightly placed such emphasis. Israel has existing obligations here under international law and under a number of international agreements. Its own Association Agreement with the EU gives Israel goods preferential access to European markets but carries with it a raft of human rights and obligations which Israel ignores. The EU summit this week should make clear to Israel that the continuation of its own trade preferences are dependent on its fulfilling these obligations and allowing the Palestinians the same rights to trade that it demands for itself.

    In Gaza, the position is even worse. In a report this month Christian Aid reported that over 80% of its 1.5m population are without a regular income. Even before last week it was cut off from the outside world for most of the time by Israel’s military blockade. The response of Israel and parts of the international community to Hamas’ military takeover could now make the isolation of Gaza complete, taking it to the point of starvation and its humanitarian catastrophe to unprecedented levels. We have to keep the humanitarian aid going in even whilst the search for a settlement to the Palestinian crisis goes on. To do that, aid agencies will not be able to avoid dealing with the Hamas fighters that control the streets and their leaders. Accepting that does not mean endorsing anyone or excusing what happened last week. It simply recognises that - as an international community - we have humanitarian responsibilities to the ordinary people of Gaza that we cannot ignore.

    And we need to give the Palestinians the space and encouragement to rebuild a political consensus out of the bloodshed of recent days. President Abbas is the legitimate President of the PA and the recognised leader of the PLO. He has the constitutional right to appoint a new government under Salam Fayyad but he is also obliged to have that ratified by the Palestinian Parliament within a month or so. Fatah, Hamas and a range of other parties are part of the political reality of Palestine and their voters have a stake in its democracy. A Palestine fractured between a “Hamastan” in Gaza isolated from the outside world and a series of rival Fatah Bantustans in the West Bank, surrounded by Israeli settlements and Walls, offers no hope for the Palestinians and no security for Israel. It could also breed not the nationalist Islam of Hamas but an Al Qaeda-type Jihadism that has never until now had any significant support in the Occupied Territories. The dangers of that for the outside world should be clear. So this time we should support, rather than undermine, any attempts by the Palestinians and perhaps by the Arab States to promote reconciliation between Palestinians rather than “victory” of one side over another. We should press for the release by Israel of the democratically elected Palestinian Parliamentarians that are being held in Israeli gaols – including figures like Marwan Barghouti who could play a key role in promoting reconciliation.

    And just as important as all this, we should pick up and take forward the plan which was agreed by all Arab States at the Beirut Summit five years ago which sets out the two simple principles which can give both Israelis and Palestinians the future they deserve. Full withdrawal by Israel from the territories it occupies and a fair solution to the refugee problem in return for full recognition and full peace.

    1670 words

    17th June 2007

    Richard Burden is Labour MP for Birmingham Northfield and Chair of the Britain-Palestine All Party Parliamentary Group. He is also a Member of the House of Commons International Development Committee which published its report “Development assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territories on 24th January this year. He can be contacted at

    Richard Burden MP
    House of Commons
    SW1A 0AA


    Friday, June 15, 2007

    UK Media Conference

    The Middle East and the Media

    A Conference to be held on: Monday 18th June 2007
    Under the auspices of:
    The International Communications Forum / The International Media Council of the Next Century Foundation
    At the International Communications Forum
    The Barn Meeting Hall
    24 Greencoat Place - London SW1

    The organizers believe that reconciliation develops through change in
    individual attitudes. The purpose of this event is to search out
    areas of understanding rather than the defence of well-known positions.
    We look forward to a penetrating and constructive day.



    9.45-10.00: “Replacing fear with hope – the role of the media in areas of conflict”
    Opening speech by Mr William Porter
    Founder President, The International Communications Forum

    Session 1 – The BBC and the NUJ

    10.00-11.00 The BBC and the Middle East
    Discussants: Deborah Pout, freelance, formerly Reuters Fellow, Oxford and correspondent for Sky News Australia and Channel News Asia in Jerusalem with Jeremy Bowen, Middle East Editor, The BBC
    Chair: William Morris, Chairman, The International Media Council

    11.00-11.30 The British National Union of Journalists’ boycott of Israel
    Discussants: Anne Penketh, Diplomatic Editor, The Independent Newspaper; Talya Lador-Fresher, Deputy Ambassador, The State of Israel; and Abigail Fielding-Smith, Middle East Editor, IB Tauris
    Chair: Tim Pendry, TPPR Public Affairs and Communications

    11.30-11.45 TEA/COFFEE BREAK

    Session 2 – Islamophobia

    11.45-13.00 Islamophobia in the UK and in Israel
    Discussants: Chris Doyle, Director of the Council for the Advancement of Arab British Understanding with Mr. Adel Darwish, Columnist and Commentator, The Middle East Magazine, The Daily Mail Newspaper; Imam Abduljalil Sajid, Chairman Muslim Council for Religious and Racial Harmony UK (MCRRH), Mr. Ribal Al Assad, Chairman, Arab News Network (ANN) Satellite TV
    Chair: Rev George Pitcher, St Brides’ Forum

    13.00-13.45 LUNCH BREAK
    Over Lunch, Informal discussion with Mr. Adel Darwish, Columnist and Commentator, The Middle East Magazine, The Daily Mail Newspaper on:
    Practical Solutions to Reporting Diversity

    Session 3.1 – Iranian media issues

    13.45-14.30 Xenophobia in Iran and Scaremongering in the West
    Discussants: Amir Abbas Fakhravar, Iranian Freedom Institute; Jonathan Paris, Senior Fellow, The Next Century Foundation and Adjunct Fellow, The Hudson Institute, Washimgton; Professor Abbas Edalat, Imperial College, Founder of the Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran; and Moustafa Sanatnama, Confederation of Iranian Students
    Chair: Mr Turi Munthe, Associate Fellow, Royal United Services Institute

    Session 3.2 – Both sinned against and sinning

    14.30-15.15 Al Jazeera
    Discussants Mrs Baria Alamuddin, Director, Media Services Syndicate, Columnist, Al Hayat; International Media Council Member; Stephen Desmond, Centre for Conflict Resolution Journalism and Felix Posen, Media Campaigner
    Chair: Ms June Jacobs, The International Council of Jewish Women; Trustee, The Next Century Foundation

    15.15-15.45 Palestine
    Discussants: Chris Doyle, Director of the Council for the Advancement of Arab British Understanding; Rabbi Herschel Gluck, The Jewish-Moslem Forum; Walford Road Synagogue; Daud Abdullah, Palestinian Return Centre and Moslem Council of Britain
    Chair: Sharif Nashashibi, Chairman, Arab Media Watch

    15.45-16.00 TEA BREAK

    Session 4 – Arrest, imprisonment and intimidation of Journalists

    16.00-17.30 Concerns over free speech
    Discussants a panel consisting of: Sharif Nashashibi of Arab Media Watch; Lior Ben Dor, Counsellor for Media Affairs and Spokesman, Embassy of Israel, The State of Israel; Jane Kinninmont, The Economist Intelligence Unit; Ms Mona Al Ghussein, Freelance journalist; Mr William Porter, Founder President, The International Communications Forum
    Chair: William Morris, Chairman, International Media Council

    17.30 CLOSE